Sunmor is a well-known central Palm Springs neighborhood comprised of an extremely intact collection of mid-century homes built in the late 50s and early 1960s. The two primary builders of Sunmor homes included Robert “Bob” C. Higgins and the father-son team of Robert & George Alexander, of the Alexander Construction Company. Several Hollywood celebrities have called Sunmor home. However, the neighborhood’s most famous resident was most certainly the colorful “cowboy mayor” Frank Bogert (1910-2009). Bogert served four terms as the city’s mayor from 1958-1966 and from 1982-1988. Two cul-de-sacs in the Sunmor neighborhood have the distinction of being named after members of the Alexander family, Robert’s wife Helene r (Helena Circle) and his daughter Jill (Jill Circle). Homes range in price from 450K to 700K.
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